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Home Working

Under normal circumstances, stress at work can be difficult to avoid, especially if you are stuck behind a desk, whether that be in the office or at home.

But, in these unprecedented times of global pandemic, the vast majority of people who are normally office-based will be trying to work remotely, in a new and hastily contrived workspace.

Many employees, across a range of professions, will already be used to working remotely and will be able to cope with the challenges that come with it, but for some, this will be their first time working from home and they may find the experience more difficult.

Typically, when working from home, people may feel more stressed and anxious because of the increase in social isolation, lack of structure and the feeling of being unable to “switch off”. According to a 2017 United Nations report, 41% of remote workers reported higher stress levels, compared to 25% of office workers.

Stress is the body’s way of protecting you from danger or a threat, and if managed properly moderate stress can even help people achieve goals. However, if left to build-up, stress can trigger mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety.

From your home working environment try these de-stress techniques:

  • Guided meditation apps

  • Deep breathing

  • Eat healthily

  • Prepare your day

  • Progressive muscle relaxation

  • Put on headphones and listen to music

  • Stretch your legs and take a walk

  • Move around, change your environment

Remember that changing a difficult situation isn’t always possible. So, accept what you cannot change and focus on the things you do have control over such as regularly connecting with your colleagues and professional network over video conferencing or online meetings.

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